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Weight watchers recipe cards, circa 1974

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weight watcher recipe book
card for the "Rosy Perfection Salad." I fell over. Like I Iaughed so hard I started coughing and I fell back on the floor and I waved the card at my mom, who just rolled her eyes. "Can I please have these? Please?" I begged. "What do you want them for?" she asked. "To cook?" "No," I said. She let me have them. I think they might have been my grandma's, but she never copped to actually buying them. Nobody else did, either. These cards mystify me. None of them have calorie or nutrition information of any kind, and in some instances it's hard to tell what's dietetic about the recipes at all, except that they're unspeakably grim. And yet also, completely insane. They appear to be from a much kookier era of Weight Watchers. There's a certain serve-it-at- your-next-key-party freakiness to a lot of these dishes. Dehydrated onion flakes are in almost everything here. Apparently Weight Watchers dieticians depended heavily on dried onion flakes, and pimientos, too. They also had a prop department that was clearly out of control. Oh, you'll see. As far as I know, I was never served any of these dishes as a child. I probably would have repressed the memory, anyway. This feature owes a great spiritual debt to sites like Cate's Garage Sale Finds and especially James Lilek's Gallery of Regrettable Food. Click HERE to start the tour, or else click on whatever thumbnail image disturbs you the most. This site is not affiliated with Weight Watchers International, Inc., whose present-day recipes are very nice and do not look like ass at all. C

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