cialis levitra viagra vs vs Wsletters My Yahoo! RSS '); --> Monday Matchup Viagra Vs. Levitra M. Herper and A. Lagorce cialis levitra viagra vs vs, 10.06.03 cialis levitra viagra vs vs, 7:00 AM ET Viagra Generic Name: Sildenafil citrate Manufacturer: Pfizer (nyse: PFE - news - people ) Approved By FDA: March 27 cialis levitra viagra vs vs, 1998 Sounds Like: Vigor cialis levitra viagra vs vs, or Niagara Color: Cooling blue Cost Of Pill: $88 for ten tablets on U.S. Sales (2004 Estimate): $919 million* How Fast Does It Work: The FDA-approved package insert says it takes 30 minutes to 120 minutes cialis levitra viagra vs vs, but new studies say it takes less than 15 minutes in most men. Famous Face: Politician Bob Dole Recent Promotional Campaign: Young-looking men were happy because they asked their doctor about cialis levitra viagra vs vs.
cialis levitra viagra vs vs Viagra. How It Works: Inhibits an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) cialis levitra viagra vs vs, making muscle in the penis more likely to relax and allowing blood to flow in cialis levitra viagra vs vs, causing an erection. Selling Point: Good track record. Has been used by 20 million men worldwide. Levitra Generic Name: Vardenafil hydrochloride Manufacturers: GlaxoSmithKline (nyse: GSK - news - people ) cialis levitra viagra vs vs, Bayer (nyse: BAY - news - people ) Approved By FDA: Aug. 20 cialis levitra viagra vs vs, 2003 Sounds Like: Levitate cialis levitra viagra vs vs, or la vita cialis levitra viagra vs vs, meaning 'life' Color: Orange (complete with flame logo) Cost Of Pill: $88 for ten tablets on U.S. Sales (2004 Estimate): $174 million* How Fast Does It Work: Levitra label says to take it 60 minutes before sexual activity cialis levitra viagra vs vs, but studies have shown it can work in as little as 16 minutes. May be more likely to work the first time. Famous Face: Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka Recent Promotional Campaign: Ditka says he has suffered from erectile problems cialis levitra viagra vs vs, and encourages men to "stay in the game." How It Works: Inhibits an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) cialis levitra viagra vs vs, making muscle in the penis more likely to relax and allowing blood to flow in cialis levitra viagra vs vs, causing an erection. Selling Point: May work faster cialis levitra viagra vs vs, and for men in whom Viagra failed. Call it getting a rise out of the competition. In its first month of sales cialis levitra viagra vs vs, Levitra cialis levitra viagra vs vs, the new erectile dysfunction .
cialis levitra viagra vs vs it 60 minutes before sexual activity cialis levitra viagra vs vs, but studies have shown it can work in as little as 16 minutes. May be more likely to work the first time. Famous Face: Chicago Bears coach Mike Ditka Recent Promotional Campaign: Ditka says he has suffered from erectile problems cialis levitra viagra vs vs, and encourages men to "stay in the game." How It Works: Inhibits an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE-5) cialis levitra viagra vs vs, making muscle in the penis more likely to relax and allowing blood to flow in cialis levitra viagra vs vs, causing an erection. Selling Point: May work faster cialis levitra viagra vs vs, and for men in whom Viagra failed. Call it getting a rise out of the competition. In its first month of sales cialis levitra viagra vs vs, Levitra cialis levitra viagra vs vs, the new erectile dysfunction t.
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