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E This is a Weight Watchers core recipe. Serve with frozen yogurt or whipped cream - you have to add the points, of course! & 8212; KelBel 206484Mango, Chicken and Spinach Salad A light and refreshing entree salad inspired by a Weight Watchers recipe. But don't let this meal's origin stop you from trying this. If mango is not available, then peaches and peach nectar should also work well. I have presented two ways to... & 8212; toni gifford 170119Jicama Y Ensalada Anaranjada Picante (Spicy Oranges & Jicama I love sweet and spicy combinations and this fruit salad is one of those great pairings. Salad should chill for about 2 hours before serving so plan ahead. & 8212; NcMysteryShopper 155792Ww Easy Core - Scallops With Chipotle Tartar Sauce Originally called for 1 T O.J., changed to 1t lime (or more). From Woman's Day 2 06 & 8212; Chef 290998 156632Ww Core Sweet Grits For a change, I bought grits and this is the recipe I created for a quick breakfast. & 8212; Chef 290998 178765Ww Core Yogurt Dip This was adapted from a recipe posted by Aunt Paula, THANK YOU! Easy, quick dip, wonderful to serve with raw veggies. & 8212; cricket1176 193571Ww Core Chili I served this chili to guests on Halloween night with cornbread and it was a huge hit! & 8212; Chef 372968 194331Ww Core - Sweet Pork Crock Pot Recipe I threw this together the other day and my family loved it. Might want to rethink the carrots but they liked the carrots too. The apples melt into the broth. & 8212; Chef 378067 - Lisa 0 selected recipes Page 1 2 3 4 . . . 63 64 65 Next » ADVERTISEMENT Remove ads with Pr

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